silliness on Sunday?
I went to a bookstore and asked the salesperson, where's the self-help section? She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose." Brian Kiley
Thank God I got to a meeting yesterday. Made a world of difference in changing my world for the day if no one elses. Those poor family members sure are in a world of pain. Me, I just get in a world of making my own pain some days. Woke up better. Prayer for knowledge of His Will and to get me out of the way. During that time on my knees I heard really clearly-- do small things with great love. Bam! Went into remembering what Mother Teresa was like and all her humility.
Yeah, my ego wants all the credit and all the sponsees and all the big shot ism it can find. But what I believe God wants for me is to do all these small not so great tasks put out in front of me and to continue to do the next right thing.
Nik sent me a cood utube. Fun!
Do your thing today and enjoy!
Sometimes I'm so perplexed at the end of the day when I realize that the pain I'm feeling was caused soley by me. I like it better when I can blame someone else ;)
Don't you wish we could just read all our literature and be CHANGED...poof?
I've been doing this stuff for a long time, and I still struggle with the simplist of things.
I like your post, it makes me feel not so alone this morning. I kinda realized as I was reading it that I'm causeing this turmois I'm in this morning....damn
Hey girl! YOu know, we change so much on this journey. I'm old and I'm still changing, but I've learned to trust the change. I guess that's really trusting H.P.--you think?
Thanks Christine for the reminder about the ego. I need to remember that I'm not running the show ever.
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