Yesterdays GC talked of calm, peace. Others get the impression I am calm. I am certainly calmer than I used to be. Life is slower and less high highs and low lows than I used to have. Less drama too. Boy I sure do miss the excitement tho.
Discovered the path that runs to Morris Park. Well, my friend Sandy actually Found it. I was aware there had to be a path from my house to the park. I talked about looking for it but I never took the action on searching it out. Sandy did the detective work to find it. So I used it last nite then walked (not my usual stroll since I am desperate to lose pounds and inches before Chick to Chick)the park. Not my favorite park since it is very hilly. But as DM pointed out it does have evergreens. SOmething else I found lacking about WV. Forgot to take along my knock off ipod thing.
Heading out to the dentist, yes again and then the gym then I should really really work. I hate filing but its what is in front of me to do.
Tonite is our new date night since I have to change up my meetings again cause of the new job. We are heading to Valley Falls where we got married with a picnic dinner and brochure of trails to walk. Funnyhow I spent so much time there but never walked any of the trails.
I am disappointed my grief support group has dissolved. This may be a month I could really use the support. Lonny's death date is the 28th this month. We have a District meeting that day. Ugh. Good day to practice the principles of the program I bet. ODAT's reading today--my only job in AlAnon is to be a good example of working this program. I hope to be that this month.
Enjoy staying under today's umbrella. I'm praying I can.
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