from Nik about dog
My name is Nik. My wife Melanie and I own a American Bulldog. Her name is Bella (Belly, Belle) she is a 2 year old beautiful, friendly, and very affectionate american bulldog. She is white all over with black skin pigments making her look somewhat like a dalmation. She is apporx. 85 lbs. She loves to play and entertains herself well with chew toys.She is extremely loving to people and very good with children. She is very smart and listens to commands as well as a few tricks. Very calm in the home and walks very well on a leash. She loves to be hugged and cuddled and is some what of a 85 pound lap dog! She lives with four cats and is a loving friend to them. Although, she does play rough with two of the cats at times. Yet, she will stop and listen to her owner when in rough play. She is submissive and rolls on her back when greeted by people unless unsure of that person but warms up to them quickly. She loves to have tummy rubs, body scratches and is always giving big kisses. She also loves o swim. Given the opportunity to get into a pool, it is hard to get her to get out!
The only concern with Bella is that she is sometimes aggressive with small dogs. Back in April there was an incident where she had gotten out of our fenced in property and bit a neighbor when going after the neighbors dog. She is considered to be a dangerous dog in the eyes of Pennsylvania State Law now. The owner of this dog had their dog out of a fence and off a leash. It continuously ran up to our fence antagonizing Bella and she got fed up and jumped this fence going after the dog. One this happened the owner stated that she reached between the dogs to break up a quarrel and Bella unintentionally bit her hand. However, she did state that Bella backed off after and seemed scared and unsure when this happened. She was not being aggressive in anyway toward the person but unfortunatly this unleashed dogs owner was subject to Bella's rough play. The dog that was attacked has been a nuisance to us as well as neighbors, and an annoyance to Bella. Bella seems to be aggressive to small dogs that bark a lot and show fear. She is very easily controlled and has a gentle, loving nature. We cannot keep her due to our neighbor's protesting and the proximity of the attacked dog as well as our homeowners insurance that is dropping our policy if we keep her. We love Bella and wish her to have an owner that is able to care for her properly and take the responsibility of complying with the regulations under the dangerous dog law that exists in Pennsylvania. These laws may not apply out of state.
The law concerning a Dangerous dog in Pa does not apply to Connecticut, Alabama, Tenessee, Iowa, Indiana, Kansas, New Mexico, Mississippi, Missouri, N. Dakota, Oregon, Wisconsin, and Wyoming
If you know any whom can help in any of theses states please let me know.
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