ain't it good to be back home?
What a weekend. Did laundy, dishes, played and played with Helena. Tried to keep out of the way. Let them have time together to heal. Physically. Emotionally.
Nik & I got time to be quiet together. I did not bring up the calling the not calling. He did. He tried to explain his not calling and how it is not about me. In my head I can believe. In my heart I am still hurt. But he told me how much he enjoys me 'being there' and having me around. Oh how I love being around.
I am trying to put down the 'I want to go home to Allentown' routine I always seem to pick up when and after I am there. But this time is even a bit more difficult. DM is anxious and depressed and shutting down all his feelings it seems so that he doesn't feel what it is he is feeling. But I don't like it when he talks about going back on medication either. I want it to be something I caused so I can fix it.
Helena brags about me to complete strangers when we are out and about. She is so happy when I am there and now she is old nuff and aware enuff to ask me to stay forever and not go back to West Virginia. Oh God you should hear her rendition of West Virginia Just adorable! Tug tug at my heartstrings.
Why God am I in WV? What is the purpose of my being here?
It doesn't matter if I know.
Today in AsBill Sees It--humility and responsibility. If I have humility and do my responsibilities then I will be knowing God's Will and doing God's Will. Right about now you know exactly whose will I'm wanting to do...
Staying under today's umbrella in a rainy WV...
I believe it when alcoholics say that it isn't about us. Yet, sometimes I think it is about me and that I am not loved. I know that's ridiculous but my self-pity takes hold. I'm learning to wrestle with those thoughts and realize that I can choose to be happy. Today I'm choosing to be just that.
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