I'm not that creative
No, no, no I didn't write the just for today--I don't think I could have. I can't take the credit for this wonderful gift wrought from a Mother's love for her son and her pain.
Brian's Mom wrote it--I cried thru reading it and wanted to share it--I guess I should have asked her permission to post it here now that I take some time to think. Geez theres that Think Think Think slogan again, I used to have that slogan taped everywhere in my house on 22nd St cause I was reactive and impulsive and a feeler and I did and said so so many things without thinking. Still do just not as much.
So I am heading home to pack to go to the big city for the weekend and chase a 2 year old all around the house and yard and tickle and cuddle and kiss her as much as she'll le tme. I hope to hug Nik too a few times. How he grew into a over 6' man with a wife, child, home, job and life is so beyond me. Wasn't it yesterday that he wanted me to hold him, get him a drink or to play?
Will I always miss my boys being boys?
Will I always miss my boys being boys?
The answer to that one is a resounding YES!!!
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