Ma Dukes

Doin' all I can do to enjoy today.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

can't sleep

When I can't sleep its usually cause I'm in my head, in the past or in the future.
When I'm homesick its often because something here is not suiting me somehow.

So what can it be?

When I worry it means I am not relying on God. I shove God aside and think I can handle it from here. But I can't. I'm no fool. I've given it a try lots of times. My way doesn't work.

This living one day at a time leaves so much undone. My list of things to do grows longer instead of shorter.

On a positive note, there were 2 newcomers in today's meeting. Its funny how I've ended up attending this meeting when I chose a different one. Funny isn't the word for God getting in there I know. So when I took the one's phone number she asked me with surprise and hope in her voice "you're going to call me? I really need someone to call me." So yes, I shall call her.

Holidays. Holidays weren't any better before I moved here. I hated all the holidays at my inlaws with all their drinking, fighting and loudness. I hated holidays after the seperation being lonely for my boys company. So now, what is there to long for? Holidays were a wiipe out then as they are now. New traditions. Haven't found what fits yet.

My sponsee whose son came home from rehab, she could use prayers. She is thinking theres some black and white way to get him to be ok. She said something about Alanon snobs thinking we have the only way. I'm scared for her the way she is thinking with her fear instead of the solutions.

Ah, I am weary. But not enuff to fall asleep. I think I'll do what I've told others to so when sleepless. On knees. Pray.

Sober Chick---for you----MUAH!!!


Blogger lash505 said...

That seems to be spreading "lack of sleep". I am worn out and need a vacation.

1:45 AM EDT  
Blogger Syd said...

You sound tired and a bit sad. Sounds as if you need to give it to your HP. I'm thankful that you were there for the newcomers. Reading about your sponsee brings up what I hear in every Al-Anon meeting where there are parents with children getting out of rehab. Their fear is palpable. So many expectations are built up.

9:46 AM EDT  

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