Ma Dukes

Doin' all I can do to enjoy today.

Friday, May 25, 2007


Got to a meeting yesterday. I try hard to put my attitude, criticism, judgements at the door. Sometimes I'm successful. And out of the mouths of newcomers is what I got to really hear yesterday. She's only been to 4 meetings---she got it green for me again. And then I go to that self pity envious place of how she gets to find Alanon when her son is 3 years old. My Nik was 2 when I woke up from my denial for a moment. But I did not find Alanon for another 12 years---man did my disease progress. Yesterday has passed...

Trying to be a good or better citizen of the earth lately. Found microfiber cloths to clean with instead of using paper towels. Very very cool to use. Its hard to buy only locally grown and organic foods here but I get what I can. I hope to get to a Whole Foods this weekend. My step daughter lives out near DC area and we'll be there Sat & Sun.

Oh, we lowered the price on the townhouse yesterday. Cross your fingers and toes.

Got a haircut yesterday. She was very kind and I like it short.

Well, onto the day. And time to get out of my bad self and check in on you.
Have a wonderful Holiday weekend.


Blogger joy said...

You know, I try to leave my judgments at the door, too...but there have been a few instances where the ways that I've been judging someone has helped me...usually whatever I'm thinking about someone else that's negative is really a reflection on my own now I'm kind of half-checking them at the door...

I've just found your blog, and I've been enjoying it. I'll be back again!

11:32 PM EDT  

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