Ma Dukes

Doin' all I can do to enjoy today.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Sunday Mellow

Home from conference couple hours ago. Been sitting on the deck in the un and out of sun inside to cool down. So good to relax and do nothing, no thinking no doing just sitting in sun reading the Sunday newspaper. DM off on a bicycle ride for rest of day. I'll head to my home group meeting in a couple of hours.

How humbling to find it is not all about me. I'm just not that important in the big scheme of things. It was a nice conference even if the numbers are down. Numbers in Alanon are down in general. A WSO pesron in charge of public outreach did a workshop on anonymity. Pretty good information. Hope it helps us to remember how to attract instead of promote.

Many remembered me as the chair of last years. Some recognized me but didn't know why. So many love me. I love so many. How wonderful so many of us were in the same place at the same time. I had one sponsee glued to my side---we were both willing to be so glued. Another sponsee kinda did her own thing checking in with me from time o time. We were both willing to do that. Oh how I put myself thru so much absolute shit before an event. And how I fear most in others what I do myself---judge and criticize. How many times I had to tell my head to shut up and listen for the message. It got easier as the conference went on.

My angel was Cindy. Everytime I ran into bumped into someone it was her and we would laugh and laugh. My word was its not all about me. I carry a bag at conferences with the little girl on it and Its all about me written under her. Others remarked about it---and I had to admit that it used to be all about me but in reality it is not.

Some of us put together a little skit at the last minute. It was fun putting it togehter and fun doing it. My old self would have said no when she asked me to participate. I'm so grateful I didn't say no. We had fun and brought laughter to those watching and we laughed pretty hard too.

Ok, going back out to brown my skin a bit more---re entry this way is this side of heaven. Hope you enjoyed your weekend, theres still time...


Blogger Pammie said...

Oh I am so glad to hear that it all went well. Isn't it odd how we create fear where there isn't any? Good for you...doing the skit. I love it when i finally throw caution to the wind and jump into something...I don't do that enough.

11:48 PM EDT  
Blogger Syd said...

You are an inspiring person. I can feel the comfort of your sitting on the deck in the sun. I like the glow after having felt something great and it sounds as if the conference was really great.

11:12 AM EDT  

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