Ma Dukes

Doin' all I can do to enjoy today.

Thursday, November 08, 2007

busy busy

Last night I asked DM why is my life so busy. He says I make it that way. I wonder if I do? There is so much to do. Not just tasks and activities but bloggers to visit, phone calls to make and take, people to visit, and on and on. How does anyone complain of boredom? I don't want to be so busy that I miss life but this is life isn't it?

Working in an office is a huge chunk of time. My boss was in for M T W. Theres so much to learn and we drove about 93 miles yesterday going to visit comunity resource providers like the senior centers. Ya know there is so much out there for seniors too. No one needs to be alone or inactive unless they choose.

SO I probably do choose life. Choose busy and filled with others. Healthier others than I used to choose too. Wow life is full and good and I can hardly believe it or that it could be any better so I'll just stay in today being good.

My uncle who is 87 yrs old is in Morgantown to see the Louisville game tonite. We visited a bit last evening. DM is taking the day off and I managed to be off with flex time and we will do some sight seeing with them today. I haven't done any real sight seeing here in Morgantown before. We will hit Authurdale which is a community Eleanor Roosevelt inspired. We 'll hit a gallery or 2 and maybe a coal museum. Might be too much in a day. I'm known for trying to pack it in.

My uncle is a retired Lutheran minister. I wish they could stay til Sunday to be in church when I do the service and sermon. I am mostly centered about it. The format is there for me. I asked Kim to sing the Lord's prayer ( I used to go to a church where we all stood ina circle holding hands singing the prayer at the end of the service, I miss that part) and I will use the 11th Step prayer for the time they have slotted for my personal prayer. My lectionary/sermon is on Praising God. I shall talk for 20 minutes about how I didn't use to praise God and what I do today.
I know God has my back and my words.

So onto today. Staying in the day. Should be enjoyable.


Blogger Just a man trying to get by said...

Life is good when it's sooo full!

I am not working atm, but I am going to start volunteering at a local hospital to keep busy, as I am not busy, and it sucks!

I miss being busy! Good for you in all that you have to do!


1:33 PM EST  
Blogger barbhap said...

What a lovely post!!
It's so nice to "enjoy today"

8:23 PM EST  
Blogger Pammie said... are so awesome girl!

6:00 AM EST  
Blogger Syd said...

I also stay busy. It's a choice that I make. I've always been active and many comment about how they don't see how I do what I do. It's just become a way of life. I guess I like to cram in as much of living as I can while I still am able to do so.

2:27 AM EST  
Blogger Unknown said...

Oh I wish I could be there to hear your Sermon!

Hit a great AlAnon meeting on Saturday with a friend. Good stuff.

Happy Tuesday~

3:47 PM EST  

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