Daily Capricorn Forecast
Quickie: Someone flighty will be a surprising source of bright sunshine in your life today.
Overview: You need to keep pushing through this phase and you might need to be extra patient with the people who are closest to you. Try to take a deep breath before dealing with anyone who tends to exasperate you.
I am easily and hugely exasperated today by most everyone I came in contact with. I know its all me and my irritability and unreasonableness. I didn't let it show.
I actually let a woman my age or older with very dark pink hair trim my hair. I didn't think that maybe that might not be a good idea. It turned out ok.
I went grocery shopping in Morgantown expecting it to be better but its not. But I was successful in finding Goya beans. Its pretty here in WV today, life is good but the state is still lacking...told you I'm unreasonable.
Came home to DM made dinner, awww sweet! Now I think I'll just sit and make cards tonite. This too shall pass if I just stay in today one day at a time.
Hope you find your day and evening one to enjoy.
great talking with you in between my studies!
Have you got pink hair now?
Thanks for stopping by my blog and taking the time to leave comments. I just went back into your archives and read about your son Lonny. I am sorry for your pain. I am sorry you lost him. This has been my greatest fear over the last eight years with Josh. It has been a crazy roller coaster ride. I hope you stop by again. I am going to add your site to my sidebar. Take care and thanks for sharing.
Well I've never heard of a Goya Bean or Morgantown. But I missed you...Goyabeaness :)
I need to scroll down and see how your new job is going.
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