Monday's Madness
Couldn't get connected on the internet this morning. Oh well, it sometimes happens. I'll try again later.
8am Got on the phone. No dial tone. Nothing. Ok, must be the wind last night affected the lines somehow. Used my cell for my call time to my sponsor.
DM turned on tv for weather and did they change his school's delay?
At work, called home to get messages. No problem, had one.
Tried to call home, hmmm something is wrong. Call the cable company. What could it be and how soon can it be fixed? As soon as we pay the bill we can have phone service again. Excuse me? There must be some mistake, we pay our bills.
No mistake? Ok, here's payment.
Have I mentioned being in financial fear? Still there. It was an oversight somehow. Lost some serenity anyhow.
Got home to another bill for the surgery. How can they charge these amounts? What if we couldn't afford the remainder of what the insurance will not pay? We are part of the working middle class--
Reminds me of growing up poor and the bill collectors on the phone and at the door. Reminds me of my 2nd marriage when the bill collectors called and called and called.
I hate indebtedness. But I haven't wanted to pay much attention to $ either. Can't ahve it both ways. So I have been on a spending diet which I should have been on for a very long time. Leslie sure warned me. I didn't listen.
We are ok. We will be ok. For now and even will be ok later. Have a roof and food. Have I mentioned the price we pay so we can have decent food and the lack of variety in WV grocery stores?
Bitch moan complain and now pay attention!!!
It sure is a challenge to put all I am and all I have into GOd's Hands and trust that I will always have what I need even if I don't get to have all I want.
Fiancial serenity I've heard it called.
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