Wednesday as a winner
Slept well, how 'bout you?
Nice warm rest, it does a body, mind and spirit good
Been picking up Norman Vincent Peale's Power of Positive thinking. Old old book
Didn't realize he was a spiritual man/writer. Good stuff. Turning the negative into positive.
Thats when my life starting changing. I was 40. In Orefield in the biggest house I'd ever lived in. Standing in the bedroom folding laundry. On tv I heard live, love and leave a legacy. I knew I wasn't doing any of those and wanted to despartly. Its been a long strange journey since then.
It sounds so simple to turn negative into positive. And to call the good instead of the miserable.
Ready set.....
You must be really anxious for the weekend, sweetie....I love you alot and it's TUESDAY:-))))))
Only 3 more days til we close ... and hopefully we'll see you this weekend.
MUAH!!! my friend!
You're a great example of how the program works. And it is a simple program but the work isn't easy.
I'm trying girl !!!!!!!!
enjoy your day
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