keep cleaning my own house
Big Book pg 98
"Burn the idea into the consciousness of every man that he can get well regardless of anyone. The only condition is that he trust in God and clean house."
I have a great grand sponsor who tells us to keep asking the question, what's my part?
My part today is I continue to go to empty wells for emotional needs to be filled instead of to the places that fill me spiritually. I want the attention of sick peole rather than asking who can I be of service to today?
Up and ready early on a Saturday morn to head to a craft show. What a fun adventure. Had some new people show up at dinner last nite. Was nice. I made roasted garlic for the first time. It was sooo yum and soooo easy. I love being not fearful to try new things in cooking now. Gina said this was the best soup yet. It would be wise to continue to go to the hardware store for nails instead of orange juice.
Later today heading to DM's brothers 50th birthday surprise. Should be fun. Its a cowboy theme so we got new bandanas and there will be a campfire so I'm taking some more's. Yum--
Accepting self and others is a key for me today. Onto trying to do that.
We sick people must have something so glorius about us . . . hehee, regardless I am blessed for those that fall into the Al-Anon family. For my situation it has been an adventurous love series, my Al-Anon and I :)
I know you had a blast at the craft show and at the birthday party. You have lots going on right now, make sure you slow down and take some peace and quite time for you :)
I love acceptance, it is like taking a deep breath of oxgen.
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