Ma Dukes

Doin' all I can do to enjoy today.

Friday, October 27, 2006

just how do thaty do that horrorscope stuff?

Daily Capricorn Forecast

Quickie: Hope is the word to hold on to today -- hope for what awaits you in the future.

Overview: One last push, and you'll be done -- you just know it! Who are you kidding? There's nothing you love more than having your shirtsleeves rolled up and getting your hands dirty with a big, absorbing project.

Just took on a craft show for Nov 11th---what in the world was I thinking? Well, it will be what it is--plants, homemade beads, granola and prayer beads. Its with Linda so it will be fun, she always makes me smile & laugh-- KC, you met her at the picnic

Looks like I screwed up the timing of tomorrow's activities so we'll leave for an overnite tonite to be there in time.

SC--I'll see if I can take pics of the FLW's house for you---altho I'm not equipped digital yet---oh gosh I belong to the stoneage sometimes---we'll figure it out.

For all who show & don't show their care---but care---thank you. I know I'm no longer alone.


Blogger Anonymous said...

I'm a Capricorn, too, but was supposed to be an Aquarius... so I love hard work but often feel like I should be doing something else... Thank God it doesn't matter what I'm doing as long as it isn't against God's will for me...

11:29 AM EDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Look at you go! A craft show, that sounds like good fun. I love that stuff. Where I live every Friay night in the downtown area here is a Farmer's Market. This time of year it is really spiced up with crafts and stuff. Hmmm, I am getting a craving to go tonight . . .

I hope you get some pix. Now as for a digital, we must get that fixed! ;) My brother, who just turned 29, just got a computer a few weeks ago. He is barely coming into the age of technology. It is all new to him.

Have a great weekend and of course, enjoy your adventures!

3:34 PM EDT  
Blogger Mary Christine said...

The best news I have ever heard "you are not alone."

9:45 PM EDT  
Blogger Unknown said...

Enjoy your craft show ~ sounds like fun ;)

Hope your weekend was a good one.


4:05 PM EST  

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