Ma Dukes

Doin' all I can do to enjoy today.

Thursday, October 26, 2006


deep breaths

Finally so much of the past weeks of busyness have passed. Oh I love to be busy. And God often keeps me busy with a full schedule so I don't sit around being sorry for myself. Still have plenty to do and that is good.

Tonites plan is dinner on the table when I get home---believe me its a real gift when this happens!---a walk outside despite the chill-- and cuddle up with a book and a darling man who loves me more than I ever would have believed possible and I believe him!

Tomorrow I get to go to our open AA meeting's anniversary--its like 60 or something years--they'll have potluck there so no dinner at my house.

Saturday I am taking DM to Falling Water, a Frank Lloyd Wright house in the woods and then to the Strip. No I did not say I am doing a strip I said we are going to the Strip-- shops and shops and shops and did I mention shops?

Yes, taking notice of what day it is and the sadness that he didn't live past 24. and putting the focus on what is today instead of what is not---cause he just could not stop. And look, I'm thinking Lonny teamed up iwth God to help his Dad stop what he could not on his own. Hope Brad finds a way to stay sober after he finds his way back to health. Wonder if he even knows he's sober? Miracles abound---there are answers to prayers---sometimes they don't take the form I would expect or even want. But hey--we know I'm not in charge!

Enjoy your today---its a gift


Blogger Alcoholic Brain said...

Sorry about your loss. Prayers your way.

1:46 PM EDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How cool for a 60 year meeting of AA to survive. Can you imagine all the life altering results from this one meeting alone?

Oh I wish I could go and see a Frank Lloyd house. My sweetheart and I are big fans. I bet it is gonna be breath taking.

My thoughts and love are with you at this time. You sound like you are staying adrift, and I really glad to know this. And yah, Lonny and God are teaming up, and what a powerful team they make!

4:44 PM EDT  
Blogger Trudging said...

I am sorry for your loss! I am glad that you are taking care of yourself.

2:38 AM EDT  
Blogger Unknown said...

"Yes, taking notice of what day it is and the sadness that he didn't live past 24"

Don't think I have read the details but I am sorry for this lose.


4:08 PM EST  

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