Ma Dukes

Doin' all I can do to enjoy today.

Monday, October 30, 2006


Today's ODAT reading---thats One Day at a Time Conference approved Alanon book---today talked about fellowship. Then I got to the grief meditation book I use every day, ok, most every day I am so damn black and white, and the quote is

" Without friends the world is but a wilderness...There is no man that imparteth his joys to his friends, but he joyeth the more; and no man that imparteth griefs to his friends, but he grieveth less." ---Francis Bacon

Thank you for the fellowship, thank you for the friendship because you have helped me grieve less and find more of the joy. I was exactly where I was supposed to be in Pittsburgh on Sat instead of alone in Allentown PA at a gravesite grieving alone. I am grateful to know I am never again alone.

On another note, talked to Nik a long time on Sunday and his Dad is out of ICU finally and in therapy at a rehab hospital for the head injury. KC--he's in Good Shepherd.

Helena took my breath away when she heard my voice. Gran Gran she breathed in wonder---are you here? Are you coming to Mommy's house? Are you coming? Oh Helena I sure wish I was there with you or you here with me... Hearing her softens my heart, I get feeling so mushy, pure love, pure something-- I'm so grateful I get a second chance to feel this way--- I loved my boys or love my boys this way. Ain't love grand!!!??? I never expected to ever know this feeling again but wow---here it is. And oh my God is it because I have opened my heart to love than I find such a rush of love now for my husband? I didn't expect it to grow so so so---whatever this is, I've never had it before.

Lonny's life and death both have enriched my life in such measure. I couldn't have known. Of course I would trade it all in a heartbeat to have him alive again---sober or not---just alive and with a chance, for hope...

from the 12x12:
Even when we have tried hard and failed,
we may chalk that up as one of the greatest credits of all.

Enjoy your today my friends.


Blogger Kaycee said...

ok..goosebumps time :-) You're there, my're in that wholeness of a loving, caring, giving relationship, that no matter what, you will always have that to fall back on, fall frontwards on, sideways and any which way you need to. (c1apping and smiling, big time here)
I'll send a planter basket to Brad (that will last longer than flowers). Glad to hear he's on the mend..but my oh my, it will be such a long way back.
Will give you a call later this week.
Love, love, love you, my friend!

1:04 PM EST  
Blogger Mary Christine said...

Thanks so much for sharing your journey with us.

9:31 PM EST  
Blogger Alcoholic Brain said...

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5:17 AM EST  
Blogger Alcoholic Brain said...

Good for you! Thanks for sharing. Hooray!

5:18 AM EST  
Blogger Trudging said...


9:09 AM EST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am grateful your heart is open today. It has endured so much pain in the past and even at times today but there is so much life and love it still needs to explore. Keep allowing it, keep allowing such brilliance shine on you.

Love this post, so refreshing! Have a great Halloween, love you (I know there is enough room in your heart for my love and more!).

3:10 PM EST  

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