today's horrorscope forcast
Capricorn Overview: Upheaval may feel unsettling (to say the least), but it also supplies many opportunities that may not come again. Chaos helps give birth to a new and better world order. Figure out how to make the most of this time.
Great! Probably just what I need tho huh? More chaos? But I wouldn't mind a better my world order. How about a dash of world peace thrown in there too?
So opened my mail from yesterday and got book and instructions sent to me from my organization. We are to be in Charleston on Mon & Tue to meet with, get this, Transformation Specialists!! Do I really need this? Uh, ok, maybe...
What a hoot! They sent me a book about discovering and developing my strengths-- I'm 53 years old and someday soon I might know myself Ha!
Talked to a professor yesterday morning about what it is I really want from school and he was so helpful. Then I remembered going to Kutztown University when my kids were real small---my early 30's and trying to get a Bachelor degree in public administration then. But I didn't follow thru and geez I just made so many mistakes not following thru on things especially when it came to school.
Anyway he told me doing what I do I wouldn't need to do an internship which cuts hours from the Masters program and there may even be $ from fellowships and yippeeee I don't have to be a social worker but I could do what I do best--- MANAGE!!! Well, do it in a helathy way instead of the martyr, mother, manager
So someday I might actually know what I want to be when I grow up. Maybe not. Maybe I'll just see where God leads me--
Today its more of putting one foot in front of the other--- 2 huge presentations tomorrow at 2 different universities--- hope I can make it fun for them.
KC I'm breathing!
and so you should be breathing. Holy Cow, what wonderful opportunities are presenting themselves to you! It'll be interesting to see what the transformation segment is all about. I'll bet you'll be able to tell them you wrote the book on transformation, or at least you were/are a huge contributor to it.
Smile, laugh, and be yourself. Your presentations will be outstanding!!
I'll be there in spirit, cheering you on! You Go GIRL!!!
Love ya!
What a bunch of wonderful awesomeness!
gosh I admire you!!! What an inspiration to women of all ages......I don't know about you, but lordy do I need inspirational women in MY LIFE.
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