its Friday already?
Wow, quick week. DM back to work today.
We went to see movie Little Children last evening. Well done but disturbing. He asked me did I like it? How do you like a movie about cheating, perversion and the places humans can go? It was human, it was well done but I did not like it. It was worth the ticket price and the time. And I did hear the narrator at the end say we all get a chance to begin again, begin anew. I know thats true.
Kids coming in with Lily for the weekend. I am looking forward to playing with a toddler. They know about the water situation and still coming.
Picnic dinner tonite so no cooking dishes that I can't sanitize. Then open AA meeting after. Bowling party tomorrow nite. Liturgist in church for the very first time on Sunday. I'm not nervous yet. Making trail mix for Bread Sunday since I can't make any baked goods this time. First time making that so it will be interesting I'm sure. Grief support meeting too on Sunday. I hope others come, its helped me so much.
We went to see a very cute little house yesterday up in Morgantown. Too little. But darling man is open to moving up there if we can find just the right place for us and somewhere to set down roots and stay for a very very long time. We are both weary of moving.
Have a great weekend.
I hope you find the house that you can stay in. I have moved so much I know what that feels like.
And my commitment is church-wide. They needed 168 people to cover each hour of the week, and had over 400 volunteers! So there will be perpetually someone there.
Sorry about the water problem, Christine.
My warmest regards to Lily and the kids.
Sounds like I don't need to tell you to have an awesome weekend....sounds like it will be wonderful. Don't spoil the baby too much....hehe
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