Ma Dukes

Doin' all I can do to enjoy today.

Saturday, April 07, 2007

baby shower

Going to a baby shower this afternoon. I am determined to turn my self pity into happiness for her, her boyfriend and their coming baby. It is their baby and it is not about me or what I don't or won't have. I have lovely granddaughters and they fill my life with joy when I get to be around them. The self pity comes when I consider how much Lonny loved children and babies and he did not live long enuff to have his own. It was so painful too the day he got in the car telling me I was almost a grandmother but she terminated the pregnancy. Of course I was all about me then and my pain and disn't consider how very sad it was for him. I didn't stop from driving, open his door and throw my arms around him at that moment. How selfish and self centered I have been in my life. I hope to do it differently now that I know there is something I can do when someone is rolling around in pain. I can't fix it I know but I can love 'em up and pray 'em up.


Blogger Syd said...

I sometimes regret that we didn't have any children but that was the choice at the time. We were too messed up to have kids. Love your grandkids and embrace this couple. By doing that you are giving away something that you will keep.

2:25 PM EDT  
Blogger lushgurl said...

Hi Christine, we are a self-centered bunch in our active addictions! I hope today you can recognize the miracle of the baby and be gentle with yourself! You too have been re born in a sense...."We will not regret the past, nor wish to shut the door on it..." remember the promises?
Love and serenity and HUGS

4:31 PM EDT  
Blogger lash505 said...

Thats a tough one. You are good person today.

5:53 PM EDT  
Blogger Pammie said...

Let people love on you and hug you this week. I think it's OK to soak in some lovin' when we need it. You don't always have to be the person to GIVE it.

3:46 PM EDT  

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