qsanty's Daily Capricorn Forecast
Overview: Learn to take care of what you have instead of continually seeking more. After all, how many people in the world lack what we might consider necessities? Be grateful (and responsible) for your current status.
Today I have another day with Lily and family. Nik & family couldn't make it yesterday. I wanted to stay sad but then I would miss out what I do have always wishing for what I don;'t have. I sure do that a whole lot. All I really need to do is be flexible. Maybe a trip to PA to see then since they couldn't get here and I havea a hankerin' to see 'em. Just need to go home and look at the June calendar again.
In the meantime just enjoying today. We are heading to Shephardstown soon, a little shops quaint touristy kind of thing to do---it will be fun
Enjoy your today
Oh, heard the other day that parents who don't love themselves or their life but love their children have children who don't love themselves or their life. So the best thing we can give our kids is loving ourselves and loving our lives. Then they will have an example to follow. Made and aha moment for me.
Love you and your today.
Yup, I'd hafta agree with you, it took me forever to understand that I had to love me first before I could truly love anyone else...Good message !
A good reminder when raising kids. They really do imitate you and learn from you.
gosh Christine...I'd like to go stroll around some shops with you!!
AND YES....on the kids quote.
Enjoy your trip to Shephardstown. And thank you for the reminder about raising kids.
I think you should have to be at least 85 years old to have kids... by then you might have learned enough to do it half-way decent! We are all kids when we have kids and then they are kids.....
Hey, if you make it to PA let me know when. Maybe I can visit the sponse and meet ya for cafe~
Happy Week To You~
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