I should know better---As soon as I'm crtain about something life happens to shake it up. So I put all the packing boxes on freecycle and they got picked up right away. I start to empty out boxes I'd filled to empty out the townhouse and we planted flowers on Sunday afternoon. I'll all set to stay here.
The procrastinator my DM is, he did not make the call over the weekend to the realtor or to the guy selling the rail trail house to stop the madness.
Then comes a call from the realtor that someone wants to see the townhouse today. I hesitate. I ask her to get info on the buyer cause if they have to sell a house its not worth showing them. But no, they have the $ in hand. Shit uh, great!
So theres a showing at 12:30 today. As much as I want to stand in the way of it, I won't. Theres a good chance nothing will come of it. We'll see.
I can tell you I didn't sleep real well last nite.
blees your heart...things hanging in the air...make life a little stressfull. I like certainty ;)
My mother always used to refer to this as things "hanging fire." I think it is an apt desription.
It will be okay. Just wait to see what happens. No sense in setting expectations one way or the other. Things do work out if they are meant to.
God apparently has some plans for you!
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