terrific Tuesday
I hate mood swings but they sure are a part of me and my life. Learning to be flexible and swing. Not to high or too low. Not too far to the right or to the left. Just roll with it. SOme days are better than others.
Holiday party at work today. I'm very efficient and organized, praise God for that. My boss will be here otday. Got my 35 day performance evealuation. Got 37 points out of 48. I was pleased I still have a job but disapointed to not have the 48. DM pointed out the 3 commendables--and no poorly dones. I tend to see the aw shit instead of the atta girls.
Cookie exchange went fairly well. There were some hitches but thats what happens when I don't take charge and try to do it all by myself. Always lessons in humility and tolerance. The ladies enjoyed it and that was the goal. Oh no it wasn't it was exchanging cookies! Well, we had some fun.
I got a chance to sit and talk to Janet who I don't know. She was so grateful to be out and have some fellowship. She's been staying in with her ill and depressed for 2 years husbandwho won't leave the house now. Ya know everyone's got a story. A burden. And then a joy or two. I happen to be so self centered that I forget anyone else has sufferings.
Onto today. There's much to do. Enjoy your doings.
Everyone has a story don't they? I'm like you (not organized) but I forget that everyone is carrying burdens around...some don't have any help at all with them. I'm grateful I have help when I ask for it.
Send some cookies this way. Congrats on the good evaluation.
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