wonders in Wednesday
Shopped for her birthday last night and also went looking for ways to live green and found stuff at Target-- used the dishwasher stuff last nite and it worked pretty good.
Not big big stuff to journal about but there are miracles in the small things in life if I keep my eyes open to see 'em.
Today I am grateful for :
-a darling man who is so patient and loving to share life
-professional grief counseling--stirs me up but puts some things in perspective that I haven't been able to--one is I did reach my goal with Lonny, I was able to love him unconditionally--and the bonus is he knew it.
-NEWCOMERS!!! They don't know how much they help me!
-Nik--he's doing well and I am soooo proud of him. And Melanie loving him too.
-Talked to Helena! She echoed my "Love you!" and nothing beats her "Gram!"
people who love me and believing they do---its a new concept for me
What a cutie...isn't it nice to have small miracles in your life? Eventually they accumulate and life itself becomes a miracle.
I Love You!
She is toooooo adorable, what do you do with all of that cuteness????
What a doll. That age is great..
oops...my grandchild is a dog, she's cute, furry, has 4 legs AND her name is Lilly, too....:-) Coincidence? I think not!!!
So glad you got to the beach...I need a good beach fix too. Maybe after the Labor Day craziness.
Love you!
I love babies!
Great list~
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