sunday's gratitude
chu rch and the minister's honesty-- I think I heard what he said--what would God find me doing if He tapped me on the shoulder?
the rain stopped and the sunshine began
walk on the trail
afternoon massage got rid of migraine in eyes
experiencing a pomagranet--it tasted better than I can spell
love the juicer!
tonites meeting on fear--false evidence appearing real
I used to be afraid of everything, no I really mean everything. Today I appear to be afraid of little. But I'm not sure if thats true. I am still afraid of people not liking me. I am afraid of appearing foolish. I am afraid of the truth sometimes. I am afraid of losing my husband's love. I am afraid of not praying enuff, of not being spiritual enuff, of being without answers and not knowing the right questions to ask or ever getting humble---oh geez
But I am not afraid of being a passenger in some elses car, I am no longer afraid of tunnels or bridges or flying or dying. I am not afraid to make mistakes I am not afraid of the dark or bieing alone. I am not afraid of someone yelling at me. I am no longer afraid of tomorrow.
Today has been a gift. Enjoy your today.
I use to be afraid but did not know it. I hid it under deep layers of bad behaviors I developed to protect myself from ~ the truth, pain, reality, fear itself.
Today I can be afraid and not run into a cave. I can stop and ask God to give me strength and courage.
ooops ~ that was me in Reid's user name ~ sorry ~
On this side of heaven we'll always wrestle with fear. Our ability to not be ruled by it certainly improves but I don't think we ever really live apart from it.
Wow, Christine....HUGE STEPS!!! I can't wait to see those fearless eyes!
Loving you now & forever!
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