Ma Dukes

Doin' all I can do to enjoy today.

Friday, September 22, 2006

Friday's musings

Not grateful for:

the below 60 degree temps

seeing dead leaves before they turn to gold, red or yellow

others not living up to their agreements

Grateful for:

making granola and warming the morning

did 10 miles last nite, that last one was almost a deal breaker tho

oh my Gawd David!!! We do live in a zoo!!! Saw a peacock on the trail last nite! I almost fell off my bike. Harold told me he's seen it before and it lives at the house with the chickens but it was my first sighting

a wonderful grilled salmon dinner after bicycling last evening in a fancy place and I didn't even care how I was dressed--- yummy salmon, baby reds and asparagus--- oh I want to do it again!

I'm grateful that even tho it is still hard to believe that my boy really is dead, that somehow I seem to be out of the woods of so so lost and lonely and that I am never really alone, my life and my God is good and Lonny will always be with me--top of my heart Bubbadoo

for my blogger buddies, their goodness, their growth, their grace and loving support


Blogger Trudging said...

Hang in there honey

8:56 PM EDT  
Blogger lash505 said...

The salmon sounds great. The biking helps the mind.

9:24 PM EDT  
Blogger Rex said...

Dang....can I join ya for dinner? I have salmon fresh from the pacific that we vaccum sealed within hours of taste like that in the world....

2:14 AM EDT  

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