Ma Dukes

Doin' all I can do to enjoy today.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

another gorgeous day

this weather is something else. Sunny & warm and ahhhh

Drove to the big capital city yesterday. Had a long listen to my new boss. But didn't get the full story until our bigger meeting with his boss and my co workers. Exciting news that we are privey to first and I can't mention until all the others who need to know, know.

There may be another opportunity coming open when they figure out the details. According to last night it could be a position thats uses my skills of presentations, trainings, volunteer management, systems, partnerships and field management. Sounds like more than just one job doesn't it? At this meeting before the meeting it seemed I was being sounded out. And I got a compliment about being on the ball. One catch---they may decide that person has to live in Charleston. That would leave me out of the running because this darling man will not leave Fairmont. But I know from her indications that I'll be looked at.

In any case I will have a full time job starting Jan 1st and it appears to be more stable than once believed. For a crisis junkie I sure do search for some security.

Wonder how all this will play out. There was a time I would have resented him for holding me back here in Fairmont. But its not about him holding me here, its about choices I've made, commitments I've made. He's done nothing but love & support me.
Yuck I sound like a grown up. Onto getting ready for a luncheon. Enjoy today!


Blogger Kaycee said...

tell me, tell me. A full time job??? whoohooo, dahlin'!
Miss Resourceful, herself!

12:41 PM EST  
Blogger Pammie said...

Crisis junkie looking for security......sounds like a great book title !!

4:45 PM EST  
Blogger Mary Christine said...

Wow. I "lived" at the Fairmont Holiday Inn for 3 months in 1976. My husband was working there. It was very pretty.

9:46 PM EST  

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