Ma Dukes

Doin' all I can do to enjoy today.

Thursday, December 07, 2006


thought I'd check in on some bloggers than write a bit for my today but I got stunned by the 'In the other side of the mirror' Utube video in Lash's blog. It was perfect to counteract my its all about me that this woman in the office's perfume thats bothering me so much-- I was headed into miserable cause I can't say anything to her anymore--I can't change anyone and she doesn't care that my eyes water or it becomes hard to breathe oh my world is so unfair

What can I change? Me.

I can't seem to rationalize or justify how unequal the world is. I am lost at the moment about what I can do about it the images I saw in that video. Pray I guess , clean up my corner and work toward giving more than I do-- I am grateful for what I have first spiritually then materially. But love it seems to me is gratitude in action and I hope to look around a little more today and beyond today to see where I can be of service and give more than I think I am able. Maybe even pray for the overscented woman to have all that I want to have in my life--- I could start there

No really, its a powerful 3 to 5 minute video-- check it out


Blogger Pammie said...

Ok, I gotta go check out the video. Maybe the lady who sits next to me (and smells bad) could team up with the lady who sits next to you (and smells too good), and they could cancel out each other.

11:38 AM EST  
Blogger Kaycee said...

suggestion for the scent problem. Buy one of those little fans that mounts anywhere and have it blow across your face and towards her. That way you'll be upwind of her.

8:03 AM EST  

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