where's the water?
Today we've found a perfect reason here in Fairmont WV to have water stored.
My husband works for the school system here in our county. He just came in the door several hours early. The schools have been closed and he says they are closed tomorrow as well because there is a problem with the water, its leaking or something but bottom line, there is a shortage and we are all being asked to conserve water. Most people don't know how or just plain won't conserve.
I happen to have quite a few gallons of water in the basement and can easily conserve today and for a few days. I'm blessed with a job where I can walk the talk about being prepared for emergencies and disasters. Hopefully the problem will be solved soon and we won't have to worry about the hospital not having the essential water supply they need. How many people in this area/county do you suppose have a supply of water stored in their home?
I was at the local university at lunchtime. The bathrooms were closed on the third floor of the building I was in due to lack of water. How many students, faculty and staff do you suppose have a supply of hand sanitizer besides those working in student health? Imagine the problems this lack of sanitation could possibly cause.
I know I know I keep sounding like Chicken Little who runs around telling everyone the sky is falling. Maybe it is just an acorn on the head today, or a litte shortage of water and not a big deal today.
What are you doing to be prepared?
Hand sanitizer! I love that stuff... Could it be OCD, using it too much?
Oh Christine....you just keep planting seeds...that's what your words are....seeds of "thought" that people will one day wake up to the planets needs. You are a precious gardner.....trying to help people help themselves. I hear ya girl. The seeds are there.
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