Ma Dukes

Doin' all I can do to enjoy today.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Monday morning

Had a nice long holiday weekend in Lehigh Valley. DM was not a happy camper a good deal of the time. Altho we each got mad at the other--we did not fight. It is a different relationship than I've ever had before. We will go together for 2 day trips, nothing longer.

This post is short because I am listening to Leslie's directions to post daily but shorter. I'll try.

Oh hey Leslie, DM and I have come to the conclusion that I ask questions because I do not make assumptions. I do not assume I knwo the answers to why is he she it doing that--I ask instead. I do a great deal of wondering. Its not bad reasoning but I still wonder why others hear my questions as a judgment? Is it the tone more than the question?

It was good to see everyone this weekend. I miss home. Attempting to keep self pity to a minimum now...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, that was quick! I love the post. I'm not sure about the question thing, your brother does it too but always starts with..."Now, here's a question,....", asks the question and then clarifies that he's just curious, which leads to some loooong exchanges with people. It is a Shiner thing?? You have boundless curiousity? The world is a puzzle? What is the question thing? That is the question and don't be too self conscious about it now!

11:28 AM EST  
Blogger Syd said...

I know that I'd rather listen than talk. I find that the less I say the happier I am. It's when I express my opinion that I seem to sometimes forget that others have a right to their opinion and it may be different from mine.

2:50 PM EST  
Blogger Pammie said...

I'm glad to see you back!
I don't ask alot of questions, because I'm just not curious, I'd rather hear myself talk ;)

6:23 AM EST  
Blogger johno said...

I've tried blogging, not blogging, only blogging on a tuesday, blogging uptil 11pm, not blogging after midnight, not reading other peoples blogs, not commenting, only commenting on 1 persons blog each visit, commenting on veryones blog I visit, just looking at how I score on top100soberblogs, not checking my score on top100sober blogs...

All control, and unsustainable longer than a day!

now I just let it be, and blog when it comes and dont when it dont, long when its long, short when its short. I rarely save and edit, infact I dont, just write, re read and edit once and the hit publish...

I am now officialy unable to control my blogging, either I daily blog, binge blog or have complete abstainence. It WAS the first post that did the damage!

stop thinking and let it flow, ask questions keep on keeping on

great post thanks

5:17 PM EST  

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