Not the Ted of the books Big Dog Little Dog---do you know those books by PD Eastman? I used to read that one so many times to my boys that I could recite it to you today. But I won't and I digress.
GOd sent a divine appointment to my office yesterday and I don't yet know why or what I was supposed to be knowing. His name is Ted. I have known him for 6 years. We don't now each other very well but we show up at the same places sometimes.
I prayed for him and sent him cards while he was hospitalized receiving a lung transplant some time ago. Yesterday he came to my office about pension monies but he ended up telling me his transplant story and I listened fascinated. I wonder what God has in mind or in store for him because honey he should NOT be alive.
His face, his voice, no carrying O2. Wow. He talked of God and pain and seeing Jesus. Some is hard for me to believe. Is that why he was sent to me? So I could come to believe?
Enjoy your divine appointments of today....
Sounds as if he was seeing the white light, an epiphany of sorts. It's powerful stuff and I believe it does occur.
Absolutely, God shows himself, his work through people (and other stuff). Look at the evidence in front of you, amazing post, hoorah for Ted xxxx
I am only able to see God through others. I feel God in my heart, centered in my soul by loving others and receiving love. It is magical, it is Ted :)
Love you, hope you had a beautiful Thanksgiving.
Thank you for the reminder to even look for devine appointments today. I wonder how many things God puts in my path, that I don't even notice?
I'm going to be looking today!
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