Ma Dukes

Doin' all I can do to enjoy today.

Thursday, December 06, 2007

its Thursday again?

I always seem to be surprised but not delighted that it could possibly be a Thrusday again. Where does the week go off to? How's that for some horrible grammar?

Not looking forward to digging out and walking in the winter wonderland out there. Its real pretty when I look out the windows. Wouldn't it be grand to look out the windows all day today saying isn't it lovely out there but stay indoors today? Ahhh they pay me well and give me awesome benefits to go to the office.

DM says the weather people are calling for 50 degrees this weekend. Is that really possible?

Struggling with my Christmas card. I can not land on a design I like. I am not an artist or a perfectionist so it shouldn't be this difficult.

Did you see any of Oprah yesterday? I caught a glimpse whilst using my sports hoop to whittle more of my waist oh please I want the 21" waist I had once upon a time HA!
SHe asked people whose loved one died What would you do if you had one more day with that person? As if she or anyone else could grant THAT wish. So I say whatever it is that you might think you want to do with a loved one, do it today, tomorrow it could be too loate. Take that extra hug, give an extra kiss, be pleasant even if I don't wanna be, say the words I might not be able to ever say again, look into their eyes and into their souls and let the love pour thru. Enjoy the only day we really have. Today. Thursday.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh the hell with it, I gave it up and took a sick day...

6:00 PM EST  

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