Ma Dukes

Doin' all I can do to enjoy today.

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

snow on Wednesday

DM is like a little excited kid this morning. We have maybe a whole inch of snow. Geez, I grew up withfeet of snow but it is different here cause of all the hills. Anyway he & the dog rompd this morning in it--DM has a 2 hour delay this morning--and THEN he took the car down the hill. We got the all wheel drive just for weather such as this so we have at least one vehicle to get up the hill. He just came in. Wonder if he drove up or had to walk? If he walked that means I am walking down the hill to get the car.

Have a diabetes education class this morning and for the next 2 Wed mornings. I am the only female in my family of origin without that disease. Wonder how it skipped me? I am grateful.

Deb called me last nite. I talked to her a year ago and a year before that about her son. She is ready to see the reality of her and his situation it seems. She didn't believe she NEEDED meetings before cause there wasn't any alcoholism in her family. But now that her son got kicked out of student housing and barred from ever using housing there again---well it got more real when he faxed her the notice listing ALL the charges. So far she is not going out there to rescue him like she did last year when he went to court. Not sure what the Dad is going to do yet. She promised to get to a meeting today and to call me tonite. Hope she does. We are ready when ready. Perhaps she is ready this year.

enjoy staying in Wednesday wet wild wonderful or not


Blogger Syd said...

The snow sounds great. And walking in the snow even better.

Glad that your friend is letting her son take responsibility and the consequences of actions. That's a good step for her and for him.

12:12 PM EST  

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