hump day Wednesday
It doesn't feel like a hump day kind of day. I am up and ready for the day.
can't think of any
Remember that newcomer I called the other day? Oh Baby does she have it all at once. Waiting for hubby to go into rehab. Every time she says or does something he doesn't like he threatens to not go. Her mom is an invalid at age 52 from an anyerism Hows that for phonetic spelling? And her dad who is the mothers caretaker went in for surgery on Monday morning. Yeah, praying for the newcomers... and so grateful I was taught to call 'em not just give 'em my number and think they will call me.
Haircut yesterday
Training last night got cancelled so we went for a walk in the new neighborhood after peering in the windows. Dreaming and planning are fun. I do love to renovate.
An aha I had a couple of days after Sunday night's meeting and then DM's add to it.
I seem to not be able to allow myself to be hungry. Intellectually I know its ok to get a bit hungry and that it may be a need to drink some water not eat food. But I can't get past the being just a little hungry thing. I don't have to over eat. I do eat very fast tho. I eat ever few hours because of the blood sugar thing and I do eat healthily now.
So it might be how I grew up and we were often hungry because there wasn't always enuff food for all of us. So then DM asks me if thats why I have to have a full refrigerator? Ahhh another piece to a puzzle.
Enjoy your today and everyday
When you figure out the hungry thing, let me know. I seem to have the same symptoms...full refrigerator and all.
Love you!
Glad that your bummers are few today. And good for you about the newcomer. I try to get their numbers and call them too.
How nice that you call and don't just give out your number. No sponsor for me yet. I have hypoglycemia and have to eat about every 3 hours. Makes it hard to lose weight amoung many other weighty issues I have.
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