on a Saturday
I am grateful to be back in Fairmont. I find it so difficult to say home. Altho I have accepted that I live here it is not home.
You should have seen some of the 'Deliverance' roads I was on. If anyone ever wanted to dump a body... I saw places it would never be found. Middle of bum f-ck nowhere. At least the motel didn't have bugs. Got a speeding tix. WOnder if I would have been stopped if I had WV plates instead of a rental with OH plates? And a warning that if I DON"T contest it, it won't show up anywhere like my insurance or drivers license. Hmmm It is a one horse town, guess they might need the revenue.
Charleston on Friday was better. Of course I didn't get to shop since I now have a Speeding tix to pay. But officer I was going down a hill and not paying attention to my speed and I'm from out of town but I am here to help YOUR residents. How funny that my health program was held in the Municipal building and the Mayor's office is there. He was asked by some of my peers to please fix my tix. but he wouldn't fix his own sister's tix. That's ok, I was probably speeding. I really was not paying attention to my speed looking for landmarks and addresses. I want to be responsible adult---even when I'm not. You understand...
Hubby's barbershop chorus is tonite. He is mad at me for throwing MORE money away. I hate the distance we have between us. We don't talk much I guess maybe thats how we get along so well. We live together well. I think we do. I'm not here much tho...
Loads to do to get my sh-t together from this last week. Moving. A birthday party for DM--he is 55 this month. Oh today is my Grandma's birth day. After 25 years I still really miss her. Did I tell ya I got my first letter thru the mail from Helena? Talk about missing someone, I could melt and cry but it would be a big waste of time to sit here feeling sorry for myself. There are others with bigger problems than I have.
Wish I had someone to talk to
love you too!
Oh Christine, here are a few hugs.
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