Tuesday-- Miner Day
and its April Fool's Day but that doesn't give me a holiday with pay like Miner's Day does. No celebrations that I am aware of. I should perhaps take the time to google it but I won't.
I am so surprised at how so many picked up on my simple aha about over relating. Yes, I have been able to learn much about over- everything in Alanon. I learned much about detaching---with love.
I mostly never use the words co dependent or boundaries any more. I use words, slogans, and tools I learn in the program, with my sponsor, in the meetings, in open AA meetings... Its worked so much better in my life than therapy or self help books ever did. And I am so very grateful.
If I could link the story told by "a little bird" about Joe I believe his name is and his story of death and loss and being an example i sure would. I hope the next time a tragedy happens in my life I remember to tell those around me to "watch how Alanon does it". What an inspiration the way she tells the story. Thank you darlin'. I sure was prayed for and carried after Lonny died. I still probably don't know the whole scope.
I hear lunch calling my name.
Enjoy your today. In every way.
It's a great program and has made such a difference for me. I see progress every day. Thanks for showing how it works for us.
I think one of my biggest hurdles so far (and I am just learning) is the sponsor thing. I know that I would feel like I was inconveniencing someone by calling them for help. I know I will have to get over that to move forward. I'll add it to my goal list. I do also realize that I am not giving them the opportunity to feel the fullfilment of helping a peer. Looking at it that way, maybe I will come around and make that call.
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