where in the world in WV is Christine now?
In Clarksburg WV Library.
The internet did not work in the hotel I was staying at the last few nights. Reminds me some of Frank Zappa. What hotel didja say you were staying at? Wanna split right away? Geez, those were some Zappa days way long time ago. Digressed to past again. I have not shut the door you see, but use it in some odd ways sometimes--
So the biggest and baddest thing to do in Ripley WV was the Walmart across the street. The training was just what I needed tho to really get started on this CERV stuff.
But I felt sick this morning and decided to head back here to get to my home group meeting, talk to my sponsor from home tonite and sleep in my own bed. Body and soul aching.
What an easy and beautiful 2 plus hour drive to get here this afternoon. WV highways are really the best I've ever been on. Smooth as silk-- Everything is green and loads and loads of hills.
Grateful today that I did not get a call that my spouse was in an accident and on the way to the hospital like the one of today's trainers did. So if you think of it, know how to pray and want to--Mike and his wife could use the prayers. I only knew him for about an hour or 2 but he touched me. He is an EMS, fireman and Chaplin and talked to us about the psychology of disaster. I loved his way of presenting the subject. He got in faces and told us hard things that happen to people and what we can do to take care of ourselves and others. Can find God everywhere. I do hope Mike finds the comfort he needs wherever he is right now.
Glad to see you say something happy about West Virginia. My sponsor always tells me "Bloom where you are planted." Hang in there.
You are so strong...probably stronger than you know right now but I have a sneaking suspicion you will soon figure it all out.
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