Ma Dukes

Doin' all I can do to enjoy today.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

eyes wide shut

Is it really possible that I have walked around WV with closed eyes? Can we truly see only what we want to see and nothing more?

Ok, it is summer and this I've been saying for 5 years---WV smells soooo good! Every year round this time, take very deep breaths cause it is intoxicating. Just driving down a road, highway, no matter where you may go (there are no cities here 'member) breathe long and pay attention. Ahhh, ay attention, that's what I haven't been doing. Will get back to that maybe.

See the vegetation, flora and such are right next to the roads and byways--and yes the highways too. The thing that took me so long to discover was that PA while beautiful flat and green does not smell nice in the spring/summer. Why you ask? Its the manure.

This dog next door is not going to live long---no thats not true, I couldn't hurt him. But his owner puts him right outside my bedroom window where he barks at 6:10am and is now again. Oh well, he is doing wha dogs do I suppose.

Anyway so we were walking on the rail trail tonite instead of riding and we went down to Catawba--I really like that area by the river and the trail --and I am hearing loads of songs and seeing all these birds--a Baltimore Oriole, Yellow Warbler and a green heron (no don't be impressed, I wouldn't know the names but DM tells me). Oh, its different vegetation on this art of the trail--another discovery! Anyway, theres all sorts of trees, bushes Say that booooshes that I'm not familiar with and have never seen in PA. You should see the cascades of this one boooshe with small white flowers. And the queens annes lace is yellow not white so does that mean its queen annes or maybe its margaret's? Thinkin' it might be worthwhile to get a book on native plants here. Now, don't go getting any ideas, k? I miss Nik and Helena so so much and I want to go home but I can see that won't be anytime soon. Makes me my face and heart tight and I want to cry just from longing.

You should see the wisteria--I need to get a camera working and how to set it up to drag pics onto the puter. Damn I am so puter illiterate sometimes. Time takes time I suppose.

Now I know maybe how Nik used to feel. He would fell disloyal to me if he liked his Dad and be disloyal to his Dad when he spent so much time with me. I hate how torn up he used to be. And maybe thats what stops me from liking WV. Loyalty. Hhmmm its maybe worth considering.


Blogger Networkchic said...

I think we all do that...force ourselves not to like something out of loyalty for something else. It's time my let yourself love the things around you. WV sounds beautiful.

9:44 AM EDT  

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