no tv Tuesday
Now I remember why I don't watch tv---there's nothing on to watch
Here's hoping today I find myself sounding intelligent and confident, unlike yesterday when I blurted out we need funding for the 2-1-1 project-- oh well its hard to promote 2-1-1 right now-and its the other job paying for me to be here--I am not wearing hats very well
Oh, I am a new storm spotter--pretty cool. I find I can do well in workshops or class but not focus well if its on paper to learn or study. I still have trouble focusing. Have a long disaster class w/ a disability bent today--should be ok as long as I don't have lots of reading to do
And I found the address for an Alanon meeting tonite but no contact name or number. Hope the meeting is still there and hope I can find it-- I'll be missing my home group meeting Wed nite for the Gov awards banquet. The biz we nominated got an award and both my bosses will be at the dinner--
onto enjoy today
sometimes I sit and watch tv and have no clue what it is I'm sometimes is a filler so I don't have to think about more important things. I'm learning to enjoy the silence. :-)
Is why I grab that remote control and surf, never staying on one channel. For some reason this seems entertaining to me. LOL.
I hope you find that Al-Anon meeting. I commited to going to one this Thursday, trying to meet new people that suffer as we do.
Hope you find your meeting. It is fun to venture out to someplace new. Enjoy ;)
Storm spotting is my lifes dream. How cool.
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