Monday, Monday
I enjoyed having the weekend to myself while DM is in OH but I'm looking forward to his return tomorrow--
Daily Capricorn Forecast
Quickie: It's the perfect day to begin laying the foundation for an upcoming project or goal.
I have another interview today--will this one will "the one"? It is volunteer management, what I love to do.
Overview: Usually the smallest details don't escape your attention, and others have come to depend upon you to wrap up all the loose ends. Now, however, you need to be less of a perfectionist and have more fun.
After the interview--shopping in the bigger small town! This girl knows how to have fun! Target, Barnes and Noble, Health food store... oh yeah, and look AT shoes...
I only do horoscope for fun, don't base my life on it.
Hey Lash! Here's one for you thats better than the horror-scope of the other day!
Cancer Quickie:Value yourself for your accomplishments, not for how others may perceive you.
Overview:You reach a turning point, and an old fear suddenly loses its grip on you. All that work you've been doing has paid off, and your insecurities suddenly seem less all-encompassing than they once did.
I'm not sure what's wrong with comments but I had something all witty and cute typed and then it disappeared...lately I can't retain information very long...must be the hormones.
Anyway..I like the way you think Cap.
I can feel it a turning point! That was worth the wait.
sounds like you're busy! : ) What fun! : )
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