Ma Dukes

Doin' all I can do to enjoy today.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

another day, another interview

I would love to have one full time position with some benefits. It is hard to work part time jobs, little $ and no benefits. When something comes to me I do send my resume, I do the footwork, I even get interviews. Five years here and it is still hard to find my niche. I've found that for most openings they can get a hundred applicants--lots of competition. Lots of people looking for jobs in this state with few jobs available. I guess I thought I'd have an easier time having my degree but now those with Masters often get preference. I am so not interested in more schooling at this point of beyond being 50. I would love to have a job that I love to do, could do well, and get paid well with benefits. This one today is contract, pays well, no benefits, could get me lots of contacts in the state and lots of state and national travel. Its only guaranteed for 3 years then I could be 55 and looking for a job again. I would like to find something to ride out my working years--til I'm 80!-- age discrimination really is alive and well.
I keep doing the footwork knowing this job situation is in bigger hands than mine and I will end up being and doing what I'm to be doing where I am to be doing it. Its tough for me to be patient.


Blogger Networkchic said...

It is hard to find your niche but keep looking. One day you'll be doing something or meet someone and say, "you know that's what I want to do." You can't let age stop you even though I agree age discrimination is alive and well. Being patient has always been my quiet enemy.

9:30 AM EDT  
Blogger Gooey Munster said...

I think that your Niche is having hard time finding you! I see it out there, looking under rocks, over mountains, through the waves of the sea . . . where or were is my Christine it echoes!

And soon the paths shall meet.

Luv U!

10:32 PM EDT  
Blogger Rex said... I hate that word. I am however learning that all things are good when we allow them to happen in our HP's time.

11:39 AM EDT  
Blogger lash505 said...

Keep looking I am...

3:15 AM EDT  

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