a July Monday
Wow, its been so long since I've written here. Feels kinda good.
Lonny would have been 30 this month. I've been pretty unfocused since his birthday--well actually since before his birthday. I meet deadlines but I'm not doing the things as efficiently as I sometimes do. I guess its ok. I suppose I should be accustomed to feeling unfocused but I find it surprises me when it happens.
I was at AA International in San Antonio--can you say wow! Great trip, no meltdowns or fallouts. Went then to Houston to see Cathy--what an easy way to be, such long time friends we are and have always been so accepting of each other. Came home to visit from Leslie then Maggie and I LOVE company! Especially company of people I love their energy. Maggie had Frances with her and it was so nice to see what a good and respectful Mom she is.
Fri & Sat went to WV AA Convention. Surprised just how many people I know--got lots of hugs, great speakers. Dinner at Becky's then lunch ther Sat. Made amends that I needed to make to her--10th Step stuff. She tried to excuse me but I did it for me, its ok she didn't seem to understand. And She didn't seem to feel the need to make amends to me for lying to me but thats ok too, I understand she is justifying what she did. We can be friends. I don't need to be her sponsor or judge her on how she works her program. But I can tell you I don't exactly trust her motives. I just need to kee an eye on my own.
Haven't done the Step work writing asked of me about my marriage. I do not want to examine anything too closely. Figure nothing will change. Not a good reason to not take the action and do the work.
Speaking of work--I should be doing some.
Hi :)
Nice to see u posting again :)
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